Hi again everyone! 😊
As I mentioned before in my previous post, I have been planning to use different email subscription form and here's the news.
If you haven't subscribed to Graphic Identity Blog, you can now subscribe to my blog posts using follow.it subscription form that you can find at Graphic Identity Blog's sidebar.
As for you all who have already subscribed by email, you don't have to do anything, as I have already moved your email subscription channel from Feedburner to follow.it.
As I mentioned before in my previous post, I have been planning to use different email subscription form and here's the news.
If you haven't subscribed to Graphic Identity Blog, you can now subscribe to my blog posts using follow.it subscription form that you can find at Graphic Identity Blog's sidebar.
As for you all who have already subscribed by email, you don't have to do anything, as I have already moved your email subscription channel from Feedburner to follow.it.
Why I use follow.it as Feedburner replacement?
follow.it gives you various options as subscribers just right after you click the "Follow" button.It’s not only offering the delivery channel by email – followers can have a choice of delivery channels which include RSS, news page, Telegram, and several others to be available soon.
More awesome things that you can learn of why follow.it is the best Feedburner alternative, just read their blog article here.
So please do let me know later of how's your experience with follow.it.
Do you find it helpful or easier to follow my blog post updates?
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