Friday, January 11, 2008

10 Enhancement Ideas to Optimize your Design Blog Topic

We often read SEO tips for general blogs. I was so curious how to implement those tips and tricks to my design blog topic. Because a design blog niche (like any other niches) always has uniqueness in context, and therefore I always experiment and doing trial and error to improve my blog.
I've seen tons of design blog topics, but not all of them can win the viewer's attention. Creativity in optimization plays important role. My blog is so young and still in the learning process of optimization. However in the middle of that never lasting process, the challenge would always be how to enhance your blog performance. Here are 10 enhancement ideas to optimize your Design Blog Topic:

1. Brings an identity to the blog look
Your logo represents your blog identity. It doesn't have to be a marvelous illustration in style, because a great logo is actually meant deeper than that. Abhinav Sood of InspiritBlog says that
"Logo speaks before words do...And speaks more than words do"

2. Choose design niche content and topic that attract you most and suit your goal:
If you are a design admirer, and love to review sorts of designs, you can post article about:

  • Design review is an introduction to certain design style. Comprehensive review would be better done by profesional designers or doing an interview with the creator. A good example would be: Type for You, that published an article based on the interview with Ricardo Santos.

  • Design Showcase by random favorite, based on poll or survey, etc. Blastyle has been publishing simple design showcase from great graphic designers and it is a great example of a blog design topic. You can also capture a pool result and write a review about it as follows. Learn how LogoBlog Poll, grants an appreciation of Superhero Logos after conducting a survey.

  • Top 5 or Top 50 sorts of design review.
    This kind of writing style is a great way to create intriguing headlines title. Smashing Magazine
    receives tons of readers and comments using this kind of writing style.

  • As a designer, you can share your expertise to help another designer with new tips hence you can write:
    - Tutorials about design or how to articles. Blog example: Lawny Designz
    - Design software review or write a post about web tool service related to design.
    - Create profesional discussion, or dialogue with the viewers. Blog example: Graphic Design Blog

  • Sometimes blogging is a very good tool to improve a website, because you can also offer commercial services to the visitors, such as:
    - Design services or products. Dennis Plucinik, puts a vertical banner at his sidebar blog, which is a very effective approach to promote design services he's been working on by profession.
    - Profesional design consultation
    - Freelance job listings
    - Design portfolio inclusion. Blog examples: Randay Clay's portfolio and Firewalker

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  1. waduh waduh traffictnya naik tajam ya mbak !!! bagi ilmunya dunk biar bisa naik trepiknya !!!

  2. hi audee,
    You got nice logo design for your blog .. plus the tips r really cool .. I am a subscriber of smashing magazine to check out designs .. But I am not much into it .. I am just good at programming web architecture

  3. Thanks for the feature, Audee. I've done so much experiment with Wordpress right now and making a progress in creating new and unique tutorials.


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