Sunday, July 6, 2008

Blogspot Design Showcase - 5 Artistic Graphic Designer's Blogs

Today's gallery is to showcase 5 Artistic Graphic Designer's Blogs. Unique layout composition is what make them stand out. Each of them is presenting creative graphic design masterpiece work of talented hands.

Relax and Enjoy!

The Blog of Doug Cloud
The Blog of Doug Cloud

Designed by Doug Cloud. He is a freelance graphic artist. You will see cartoon illustration style everywhere on his blog. Interesting stuff because he also starts series of Drawing Lesson using Photoshop and Illustrator. Another thing that I love from this blog is the Comic Strip category. You may need subscribe to Doug Cloud's Blog so you won't miss the next drawing lesson and comic strip post!

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  1. I have looked through the site and his work is great! It has a loveable cuteness about it and the puppy drawing instuctions are brill and look so easy to follow!

    Hopefully toilet training the puppy will be as easy as drawing him!!

  2. Audee, thanks for showcasing my blog.

    - :)

  3. Sallyanne,
    I agree with you, his first cartoon strip is my favorite already!

    It is my pleasure :)


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