Monday, August 11, 2008

CSSnewbie Contest

CSSnewbie celebrates the August with the first-ever CSSnewbie Contest! CSSnewbie is one of our favorite CSS resources website. We have joined with over 1400 happy readers by subscribing to CSSnewbie email feed about a month now and absolutely happy reading the wonderful updates so far.

How to enter?

Read More

You just need to subscribe to the CSSnewbie RSS feed and if you’re already a subscriber, you don’t have to do anything else except remain the subscriber you are.

Watch for a pass-phrase to appear at the bottom of an article in CSSnewbie RSS feed. The pass-phrase won’t be present in every article, but it’ll be there often enough that you’ll be able to find it if you’re looking for it.

Once you’ve found the pass-phrase, shoot an email to The subject line should be the pass-phrase and nothing else. The body of the message should contain a link to the website you’d like to have reviewed/promoted, and can also contain any other comments you’d like to include. Email them before the contest ends at the end of the day (11:59PM Central Time) on August 31, 2008.

CSSnewbie Subscriber Contest

The winner will receive:

1. A review of your website on CSSnewbie.
2. Eric Meyer’s book, CSS Pocket Reference: Visual Presentation for the Web.

Sounds great isn't it? Start your entry by visiting this cool CSSnewbie blog and subscribe now before you are running out of time ;)

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