Friday, September 12, 2008

»» What gives a site a professional appearance?

  • Your site should contain useful and interesting content, presented in an appealing manner with a quick download time. Your sites overall appearance (backgrounds, fonts, etc.) should remain the same from page to page. Use only web-safe colors and fonts.
  • Your site should load fast with a clear navigation system, unbroken graphics and links that work.
  • Your site should use appropriate graphics. Don't put in too many, and make sure to optimize the ones you do use to improve load times.
  • Your site should have content that changes frequently, encouraging return visitors.
  • Your site should have easily accessible contact information and you should give a quick response when people request information or report trouble.
  • Your site should have a newsletter that allows visitors to keep in touch and tells them about new changes but does not harvest those E-mail addresses for spam purposes.
  • Your site should offer lots of free stuff and members-only specials.
  • Your site should not annoy visitors with too many animated graphics, unwanted popups or music with no "off" button.
  • Your HTML should be clean.
  • Your website should be cross browser compatible and accessible to those using text only browsers.

Here are some "red flags" to an unprofessional web appearance.

  • Poor browser compatibility
  • Animated bullets
  • Too many graphic and/or line dividers
  • Multiple banners and buttons
  • Poor use of frames
  • Poor use of tables
  • Too much advertising
  • Large Welcome banners
  • No Meta tags
  • Under construction signs
  • Scrolling text in the status bar
  • Large scrolling text across the page
  • Poor use of mouse over effects

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