Sunday, February 24, 2019

Top 10 Font Combinations for 2019

As a designer, we know that selecting the correct font will completely change the appearance of your brand. Some fonts will make your business seem old while others will be modern. Majority of large brands will change their logo, or font style to keep them looking fresh and up to date with the latest trends.

It can seem like a daunting task, to find that perfect font combination for your project, however, there are many useful tools available that will offer font suggestions for you.

One such helpful tool was recently created by Bold Web Design, an Adelaide, South Australia based company, who understand the importance of selecting the correct fonts for your business.

Based on this new tool, we have compiled a list of the top 10 font combinations for 2019.

All of these fonts can be downloaded for free from Google Fonts.

1.   Playfair Display with Source Sans Pro
2.   Merriweather with Oswald
3.   Montserrat with Merriweather
4.   Raleway with Lato
5.   Elsie with Roboto
6.   Dancing Script with Josefin Sans
7.   Abril Fatface with Roboto
8.   Corben with Nobile
9.   Spirax with Open Sans
10.   Wendy One with Lato

1. Playfair Display with Source Sans Pro

We simply love this style of font, with its traditional elements is very elegant and perfect for a modern business. It was designed by Clau Eggers Sorense, and gives a feeling of beauty and simplicity. It is a serif font style and is best paired with a sans-serif font like Source Sans Pro. We always recommend that you pair a serif with a sans-serif, this creates contrast and a unique difference between the header font and the sub font.

2. Merriweather with Oswald

The versatility of Merriweather, makes it one of the top fonts for 2019. With its gentle serif, and easy to read design. It should be paired with a font style that has straight thin lines, like Oswald.

3. Montserrat with Merriweather

A modern, stylish font, Montserrat is a style you’d expect to see in a big brand. It’s easy to read and can be adjusted both font weight and height. It can be paired with a more detailed font like Merriweather.

4. Raleway with Lato

This font makes you think of a modern, streamlined style. It has class and elegance all in one package, and is a very soft font style. Perfectly paired with Lato, a thin and lighter weight font, you are sure to create a buzz with this font combination.

5. Elsie with Roboto

A beautiful font, with very gentle subtle swirls and interesting serifs. It’s the type of font you would expect to see on a woman’s perfume brand. Such an elegant font, should be paired with a sans-serif font, like Roboto, because it will not detract from the seed font.

6. Dancing Script with Josefin Sans

An adorable script font that flows with every letter written on the page. These types of fonts are becoming very popular, as they are stylish and elegant. When using a script font, it’s best to pair with a simple font style like Josefin Sans, with it’s very straight lines.

7. Abril Fatface with Roboto

A very happy font style, that really jumps out of the page. Its bold, ambitious, and gives a feeling of confidence. It’s the kind of style you expect to see from a big brand. It needs to be paired with a simple font like Roboto.

8. Corben with Nobile

With its unique rounded serif, this font creates such interest. It can be used in a variety of different font weights, which makes it versatile for many different design options. It should be paired with a lighter weight sans-serif font like Nobile.

9. Spirax with Open Sans

A soft, gentle font, that portrays a level of mystery with it’s flowing letters. It was designed by Branda Gallo, based on the geometry concept of a spirax, which is a line that starts at a centre point and gradually moves away and around that point. Due to this font being so unique, it should be paired with a very simple font like Open Sans as it will not detract your eye away from the seed font.

10. Wendy One with Lato
A wow style font, that’s bold and eye catching, who could walk past this! The unique flow of the letters make it a very interesting font style. It should be paired with a light font like Lato.

Author Bio

Written By

Debbie Morgan

Debbie Morgan, a creative UI Designer from Bold Web Design, loves everything to do with fonts, she finds them fun and interesting. She loves outreaching to fellow designers and creating awesome content for other designers to use.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the suggestion. List of the fonts are great. Usually I used Font no.5,6,7.


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