Friday, March 21, 2008

Redditers – What They Tend to Do?

Reddit’s environment is not so much different with another social media website which gives you way to click for a vote. This kind of environment is absolutely perfect for a blog article which has interesting headline. Another thing is Redditers can actually spice up the article’s headline submitted to draw more attention. Regardless to all the pros and cons, Reddit encourage the Redditers simply to vote the article submitted and hardly can find a way to visit or even to revisit if you get lucky enough for a precious visit.

Analyzing your stat would probably help you to figure how each of your referral websites performed to your blog. A popular article submission in Reddit, can stay on the front page for approximately the maximum time frame of 24 hours or less, after which it’ll move in the second page for a while, before slowly falling down the ranks. A short blast within hours or a day, and no guarantee of follow up actions in return. This is what so called: “A perfect example of high bounce rate in Google Analytics”.

Huge traffic is what all bloggers eager for. The kind of traffics that you need would be so much depending to the blog that you maintain. If you blog about money or primarily run some advertisement programs, to get high exposures to your blog is the reason why you should bother with Reddit.

Anticipate nothing more but merely high exposure in one or two days. However, there is an interesting case study which is done by Maki of
Maki has been projecting formulas to bring long term perspective or growth plan based on his research upon a Redditer fellow’s submission materials.

Reddit was my first experiment of using social media website to promote my early articles. My blog visitors ranged only 20 to 50 for the whole day that time. As a newbie, I was so careless of not spare some times to read useful tips from more experienced Bloggers. Although I got boost of traffics from Reddit, the experiment was turning into something bad! I thought it was okay to submit my own article to Reddit, well this was a huge mistake because most of the Redditers hate it. Unlike Digg, Blog Engange, or Design Float which have more flexible submissions guideline’s rules, the Redditers can easily blacklist your domain or website when you do repeated self-submissions/promotions.

As a social media website, Reddit is a giant community ever. If you only care about numbers of traffics and nothing but traffics, then you are a typical Redditers.
When you determine that a well targeted traffics and readers as your main concern, I think you may start to think another way besides just using Reddit. Everyone who thinks of long term growth progress should always agree if this community is not even worth to be sticked on.

That is why (in my personal opinion) I’ve seen lots of high profiled Bloggers only focusing to Digg, Stumble Upon or for promoting their blog. See how Bittbox attracts the readers to do the socio bookmark favor by using three kind of socio bookmark buttons (Digg, Stumble Upon and and so does I Love Typography which uses 4 buttons only (, Digg, Facebook and Stumble Upon) to avoid the clutters.

A Digg user clicks the digg button as a way to vote your article, but believe it or not, Digg’s environment will bring you more valuable traffics than Reddit. Jacob Cass described this in his article: What is the best social media website? Digg, SU, Delicious, Reddit … or?

Are You a Typical Redditer?

This article is a submission for Vivien’s Social Media Group Writing Project, something that may be useful for you to learn more about Social Media Websites.


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  1. Reddit users just come and go, hardly look at your site at all! Thanks for the article and the link out. interesting read.

  2. Thanks for the submission, Audee.
    I'm yet to discover what makes reddit tick ;-)

  3. Yes I've learned from mistake...

    why you weren't around with your socio media website article when I did that mistake? LOL

    Only by submitting my entry to Socio Media group writing project. I have the chance to explore more about it. Facebook and Stumble Upon bring good quality of traffics though with little effort compared to Digg and Reddit

  4. I found your article on and thus came to your site. It has taken two months for this to happen but then thatis how a little and often approach works. On digg you find that you have a very short period to amass a lot of votes, to reach prominence and then get a deluge of traffic over a couple of days.
    On a smaller site like reaching the front page is easier, and staying prominent in your category for longer is easier too. Sometimes it is better to be a big fish in a small pond.

  5. Rob,
    I've checked and it looks like an interesting blog community.
    I am sure that someday, this community will grow bigger...and getting on the front page would not be as easier as before :D
    Thanks for letting me know.
    ~ A u d e e

  6. I've never heard of Reddit so this blog piques my interest. Your blog was informative enough to make me look at the diff social media/blog promotion networks and see for myself. It's scary though if this Reddit site decides to blacklist a blog for mere multiple submissions of an entry. It would help it there would be less strick and cut people some slack. Yes, i'd prolly stick with Digg and Blogcatalog:D

  7. Lara,
    Yeah..Reddit would brings you huge traffic, only if you follow the rules :D
    Anyway, it's a nice comment and thought if you can always stick on Blog Catalog. I'm completely agree with you ;)


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