If you have at least 6 really good photos on a specific theme, which you think would look good as a Desktop Background / PC Wallpaper, and then you have a chance to submit them right away.
Some examples of themes are:
“Scotland”, “London”, “Fishing”, “Snow, “Glaciers”, “Forests”, “Rivers”, “Boats” etc.
- NO recognisable faces of people.
- NO copyright stuff (Disney, Sydney Opera House etc)
- 1024x768 pixels in size (please crop if your camera does not take photos in 4:3 aspect ratio) (If your submissions are not 1024x768 pixels, 4:3 aspect ratio then they will have to be REALLY good for me to consider them)
- JPEG (reasonable quality – preferably between 200KB and 300KB file size)
- You must have at least 6 related photos on a theme.
- Email all photos on a specific theme as one email to jmcwd.com@gmail.com with the “theme” in the “subject” line.
Visit Jordan McClements’s photo blog : Make Money From Photos Online for further details
If you have any question about this contest, you can enter to Jordan McClements’s Discussion board at Blog Catalog