There are two design competition events that I've been following recently. Held on Logo Design Love and Vandelay Website Design, I think if you could watch these competition it would be as fun as watching a game competition. You don't have to sweat to create and submit your hell of astonishing design, because all you have to do is to vote. You will be the judge reader along with other blog readers across the globe to choose some of the design entries as your most favorite design.
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Enough with the chit chat let see what you can do ;)!
Reader Appreciation Award at Logo Design Love

There are 10 award categories of logo submission. As well as an outright winner decided by the judges, you are also invited to vote by leaving comments on the individual category posts. Add a comment below every post category as your favourite design (or 1st, 2nd and 3rd favourite). Once all categories have been published, the votes will be counted and the final round featured .
Categories already published are hyperlinked. The remainder will follow very soon. Find these 10 logo design categories and start your votes now!
* Business blogs
* Design and photography blogs
* Entertainment blogs
* Environmental blogs
* Health and self-development blogs
* Marketing and PR blogs
* Personal blogs
* Political blogs
* Technology blogs
* Miscellaneous (for everything else)
Blog Design Madness

The Blog Design Madness competition is now officially underway! There are 64 blogs that have been chosen, and the participants are all listed in this post. Because each competition requires a separate poll, Vandelay Website Design needs to break up the first round into 2 parts. There are 16 matchups in this post involving 32 outstanding blog designs, and the second half of round one will come in a few days.
Each matchup includes a poll, links and a screenshot of both blogs. Vote for your favorite blog on Blog Design Madness: Round One now!
Here are the competition participants:
* Freelance Switch vs. Mark's Digital Farm
* vs. You the Designer
* Pro Blog Design vs. Tim Kadlec
* 9513 vs. Webstock
* Grand Sierra Magazine vs. Elitist Snob
* The Big Noob vs. Blog Design Blog
* Reflections vs. Trailer Flick
* David Airey vs. Kollermedia
* ProBlogger vs. Sully's Design Studio
* Artico vs. Young Go Getter
* Cult Foo vs. N. Design Studio
* Robert Beerworth vs. Noupe
* Laura Alter vs. Loon Design
* Rob Goodlatte vs. A List Apart
* Josh Spear vs. Mostly Lisa
* PSDTuts vs. Bart-Jan Verhoef
- The results from the 1st half of round one are as follows (see the original post for screenshots and links):
- Blog Design Madness has completed the votings for The Second Half of Round One
There were 32 excellent designs to decide on, and the winner of this second half round one are:
Freelance Switch vs. Mark’s Digital Farm
Winner is Freelance Switch
Vocino vs. Youth the Design
Winner is Vocino
Pro Blog Design vs. Tim Kadlec
Winner is Pro Blog Design
9513 vs. Webstock
Winner is 9513
Grand Sierra Magazine vs. Elitist Snob (this poll was tied, so I took am removing my vote for Grand Sierra Magazine and using the readers votes of 15 to 14 in favor of…)
Winner is Elitist Snob
The Big Noob vs. Blog Design Blog
Winner is Blog Design Blog
Reflections vs. TrailerFlick
Winner is Reflections
David Airey vs. Kollermedia
Winner is David Airey
ProBlogger vs. Sully’s Design Studio
Winner is Sully’s Design Studio
Artico vs. Young Go Getter
Winner is Young Go Getter
Cult Foo vs. N. Design Studio
Winner is N. Design Studio
Robert Beerworth vs. Noupe
Winner is Robert Beerworth
Laura Alter vs. Loon Design
Winner is Loon Design
Rob Goodlatte vs. A List Apart
Winner is A List Apart
Josh Spear vs. Mostly Lisa
Winner is Josh Spear
PSDTuts vs. Bart-Jan Verhoef
Winner is PSDTuts
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